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Poll: where do you stand on asking for feedback on unsuccessful job applications? — Scientist Sees Squirrel

A couple of weeks ago, one of us (Steve) posted “How to write, and read, a (job) rejection letter”. One piece of advice to job candidates got some interesting pushback on Twitter, including from […]

Ecologist Stephen Heard of Scientist Sees Squirrel and I are teaming up on a post about getting feedback on the academic job market. To start off, we’re polling the academic community to get a sense of norms in asking for feedback on the job market. Head over to his blog and check it out!

via Poll: where do you stand on asking for feedback on unsuccessful job applications? — Scientist Sees Squirrel

Categories: Academia Professional Development Syndicated

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Jacquelyn Gill

1 reply

  1. Because I work for the Federal Government I can’t really give feedback. I once tried it with student hires but that was the disaster I was warned about. Too many folks wanted to argue about why they should have been chosen rather than accept the carefully crafted feedback as to why the chosen person was determined to be the best hire.


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